A.I. : Amazing Possibilities Lie Ahead

But beware the hidden dangers of prediction without understanding

Can A.I. Help You Ask Transformational Questions? Not yet.

Creativity and questions, prediction and understanding: thoughts on A.I. as an assistant

The Art of Mixing with an Admixture of Art

Pioneering theoretical and experimental contributions to the fluid mechanics of mixing

The Nexus: Augmented Thinking for a Complex World

Nuevos Horizontes podcast, New Books Network en español with Julio M. Ottino and Natalia Bustos

"A Magazine" – Science and Invention

Innovation requires a whole-brain approach

Could Artificial Intelligence Have Invented Cubism?

AI's role in pioneering originality within art and design

Reconnecting Art and Science in the Classroom

Blending art and science in education opens the door to innovative thinking

How the Other Side Thinks

What art and engineering can learn from each other

Have We Reached Peak Entrepreneurship?

One goal crosses the political divide: the need for more entrepreneurs

The Coming Tech-led Boom

Discover the three breakthroughs set to transform this century

We Need More Renaissance Scientists

Integrating humanities and sciences enhances graduate education

The Nexus: Augmented Thinking for a Complex World

Join Julio Mario Ottino on 'The Creative Process Podcast' with Mia Funk and Riya Patel

Art, Technology, and Science: Intersections, Bifurcations, and Opportunities

Julio Mario Ottino showcases lessons from art, technology, and science featured in The Nexus

Complex Systems: A Landscape View

Explore a landscape view of complex systems in engineering

When Art, Technology, and Science Were One

Julio Mario Ottino leads a PhD seminar series on whole-brain leadership

Whole-Brain Engineering

Whole-brain engineering combines analytical and creative skills to tackle global challenges

Whole-Brain Thinking and Whole-Brain Organizations

Identify how to foster whole-brain thinking in your organization